'As many as 62 percent of voters agree with the statement: "Romney is promising more than he can deliver."' This number gives me hope that other viewers saw what I saw in Romney's performance. A good debater not a good president.
However, I think the truth is that the debates do make a difference. Romney has gained an average of 4.6 percentage points since the debate. That's a big change in the polls. Studies indicate that the presidential debate doesn't usually have a big impact. But this year it could.
But in this final month of an election, people decide whether or not they're going to vote, whether they're going to try to enlist other people. So I think that almost day-by-day, for the month that's left, we're going to see changes in this narrative that will matter and should matter. -Jim Fallows
I think Fallows is right. The debate won't really have changed people's opinions on the issues or their views of the candidates and where they stand. What it will have changed is people's perception of the candidates which will influence whether or not they vote and how much they encourage others to vote.
I personally feel that way too much emphasis is placed on the debates. Why should a hour or so long debate be more important that a multi-month long campaign? All the debate does is allow the two candidates to call out the opponent for either lying or being unsuccessful in the past. In my view the debates don't offer anything positive. The winner is the one who gets ripped on the least. That doesn't sound like a vote-changing event to me but more of a pissing contest if you will. Voters should base their choice on each candidates' positives and plan for the future, rather than hinder on past mistakes and potential misstatements made in the debate.